AFG, Inc. Strategic Plan & Bylaws

Working within the framework of Al‑Anon’s Legacies, the Board, Executive Committee, and Senior World Service Office Staff have developed the AFG, Inc. Mission Statement, Envisioned Future, and Strategic Goals to assist the World Service Office in the work it carries out on behalf of Al‑Anon Family Groups.

As a non-profit organization, AFG, Inc. operates in accordance with its Bylaws, which represent the Board’s legal agreement with our members.

Letters from the Chairperson of the Board

Letters containing information about the most recent Board, Policy, and Finance Committee Meetings.

Chairperson of the Board Letter – Section View

Dear Al‑Anon and Alateen members:

The purpose of this Chairperson of the Board (COB) letter is to share with you some highlights from our World Service Conference (WSC), along with updates from the Board of Trustees’ Quarterly Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Board. You will also find updates from our outgoing and incoming Policy Chairpersons, a finance update from our Treasurer, and an update from our outgoing and incoming Conference Leadership Team (CLT) Chairpersons.

The Board week before Conference was only one day, but the agenda was full.

The Nominating Committee, which has really worked hard this past year, brought forth several recommendations. The Board approved the motions discussed. This included:

  • Selecting Trustees to serve as alternate members on the Nominating Committee during Board Officer discussions after the Board Officer resumes have been submitted. Trustees will be chosen by lot from those eligible to serve as alternates by virtue of them not having submitted a Board Officer resume.
  • Ending the trials and creating the following permanent practices of the Nominating Committee:
    • asking candidates who are not currently serving on the Board to ensure a confidential skills‑based reference (either from work or Al‑Anon service) who can share experience validating the candidate’s skills is submitted, and
    • having Staff collect an Al‑Anon service‑based reference for the candidates.

The EFWG brought this topic to the Board: “How do you plan to use your Board experience once you are no longer a Trustee?” The Board had a generative and enlightening discussion on this topic.

The 64th WSC was held April 18‑21, 2024, at the Founders Inn in Virginia Beach, VA. The theme of the Conference, “Our Path toward Grace, Unity and Understanding,” truly was our spiritual guide throughout the week. It was inspiring to see how, through some very challenging conversations, Conference members came together with unity and grew in understanding.

I am honored to share that, this year, a motion was brought forward by Delegate members of Conference. One of our last orders of business was to pass the motion to form a task force, composed of the Conference Leadership Team and a minimum of three Delegates, with the charge of proposing how Delegates could be selected and participate on the CLT to contribute to WSC agenda development.

Some other highlights from this year’s Conference agenda were:

  • Conceptual approval of new CAL on “Finances in Recovery”
  • Approval of changes to the “Choosing a Group’s Name” and “Local Services” sections of the “Digest of Al‑Anon and Alateen Policies” in the 2022‑2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P‑24/27)
  • Outgoing Panel 62 Delegate three‑minute talks
  • Delegate‑led thought and task force presentations, including the Revitalizing Alateen Task Force and Personal and Service Sponsorship Task Force
  • Discussion of Stepping Stones: Beyond the 2025 WSC
  • Next Generation AFG Records presentation
  • Discussion of inclusion and the spiritual principles described through our Legacies and Mission
  • Discussion of the challenges and opportunities of four‑day and five‑day Conference weeks
  • Open Policy Committee meeting
  • Alateen Planning and Validation presentation

World Service Conference

Dear Al‑Anon and Alateen members:

The purpose of this Chairperson of the Board (COB) letter is to share with you some highlights from our World Service Conference (WSC), along with updates from the Board of Trustees’ Quarterly Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Board. You will also find updates from our outgoing and incoming Policy Chairpersons, a finance update from our Treasurer, and an update from our outgoing and incoming Conference Leadership Team (CLT) Chairpersons.

The Board week before Conference was only one day, but the agenda was full.

The Nominating Committee, which has really worked hard this past year, brought forth several recommendations. The Board approved the motions discussed. This included:

  • Selecting Trustees to serve as alternate members on the Nominating Committee during Board Officer discussions after the Board Officer resumes have been submitted. Trustees will be chosen by lot from those eligible to serve as alternates by virtue of them not having submitted a Board Officer resume.
  • Ending the trials and creating the following permanent practices of the Nominating Committee:
    • asking candidates who are not currently serving on the Board to ensure a confidential skills‑based reference (either from work or Al‑Anon service) who can share experience validating the candidate’s skills is submitted, and
    • having Staff collect an Al‑Anon service‑based reference for the candidates.

The EFWG brought this topic to the Board: “How do you plan to use your Board experience once you are no longer a Trustee?” The Board had a generative and enlightening discussion on this topic.

The 64th WSC was held April 18‑21, 2024, at the Founders Inn in Virginia Beach, VA. The theme of the Conference, “Our Path toward Grace, Unity and Understanding,” truly was our spiritual guide throughout the week. It was inspiring to see how, through some very challenging conversations, Conference members came together with unity and grew in understanding.

I am honored to share that, this year, a motion was brought forward by Delegate members of Conference. One of our last orders of business was to pass the motion to form a task force, composed of the Conference Leadership Team and a minimum of three Delegates, with the charge of proposing how Delegates could be selected and participate on the CLT to contribute to WSC agenda development.

Some other highlights from this year’s Conference agenda were:

  • Conceptual approval of new CAL on “Finances in Recovery”
  • Approval of changes to the “Choosing a Group’s Name” and “Local Services” sections of the “Digest of Al‑Anon and Alateen Policies” in the 2022‑2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P‑24/27)
  • Outgoing Panel 62 Delegate three‑minute talks
  • Delegate‑led thought and task force presentations, including the Revitalizing Alateen Task Force and Personal and Service Sponsorship Task Force
  • Discussion of Stepping Stones: Beyond the 2025 WSC
  • Next Generation AFG Records presentation
  • Discussion of inclusion and the spiritual principles described through our Legacies and Mission
  • Discussion of the challenges and opportunities of four‑day and five‑day Conference weeks
  • Open Policy Committee meeting
  • Alateen Planning and Validation presentation

World Service Conference

Four regions—US North Central, US Southeast, US Northeast, and Canada East—began the process of nominating Regional Trustees by electing a Chairperson and an Alternate Chairperson for their respective Regional Committees on Trustees (RCTs). While the processes for nominating a Regional Trustee and Trustee at Large are different, the deadline for all Trustee resumes to be submitted to the WSO is August 15, 2024.

The Conference gave traditional approval, and during the annual meeting, the Board of Trustees, in their legal capacity, elected the following trusted servants:

Regional Trustees:

  • Debbie P., Canada Central Second three‑year term
  • Cindy H., Canada West First three‑year term
  • Craig M., US Northwest First year of a remaining two‑year term

Trustees at Large:

  • David B. First three‑year term
  • Kathi M. Second three‑year term
  • Rachelle C First three‑year term
  • Marco R. First year of a remaining two‑year term
  • Phil G. First year of a remaining one‑year term

Board Officers for 2024‑2025:

  • Kathi M. Chairperson of the Board
  • Diane B. Vice‑Chairperson of the Board
  • Ann Marie Z. Treasurer

The Board of Trustees, in its legal capacity, elected the following:

Executive Committee:

  • Carol M. Third one‑year term
  • Jeff F. Second one‑year term
  • Angela A. First one‑year term

Chairperson of the Executive Committee:

  • Carol M. First one‑year term

Executive Committee for Real Property Management:

  • Lori H. Three‑year term

Chairperson of the Executive Committee for Real Property Management:

  • Sue C. Second one‑year term

Mark your calendars for this year’s Road Trip! You and Your Board Connect event, which will be held in Columbia, South Carolina on October 26, 2024. This event gives Al‑Anon members an opportunity to connect with members of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee. Registration will open in September, and space is limited. Be on the lookout for more information.

If your Area has never hosted a Road Trip! event, you can apply to be the next destination for Road Trip! in October 2025. Applications are due by September 20, 2024. Contact your Area Delegate for information on how to apply and airport and hotel requirements for the event.

Although we are not holding a COB Letter presentation for the April 2024 COB Letter, the Trustees will begin contacting their assigned Delegates two weeks after the posting of this letter to clarify any information.

The dates for the two remaining 2024 COB Letter presentations are August 10 and November 9.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, and the WSO Staff, I want to thank all of you who are dedicated to serving Al‑Anon Family Groups and helping us fulfill our primary purpose of helping families and friends of alcoholics.

In gratitude,

Kathi M.
Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.