Are You Living With an Alcoholic Spouse or Partner?
Are you involved with someone whose drinking is bothering you? How do you cope with an intimate relationship that is affected by alcoholism? Living with a spouse, partner or significant other who exhibits a drinking problem can have devastating effects on our emotional well-being, our personal relationships, our professional life and sometimes even our physical health.
Attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings might provide the support and tools needed to deal with the effects of alcoholism on very important relationships.
Just as Sick as the Alcoholic
I heard about Al‑Anon many years ago when my therapist suggested I attend to help with my alcoholic
When Tears and Anger Didn’t Help
My alcoholic loved one retired two years ago and since then has done nothing but drink until he
A Spark of Light
When I entered the rooms of Al‑Anon years ago I felt like a frightened little girl. I gathered
Alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on families; 5 things caregivers can do to help.
Alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on families; 5 things caregivers
Domestic violence – another symptom of an alcohol-use disorder on the family
Domestic violence another symptom of an alcohol-use disorder on the family
Why I “Keep Coming Back”
I believed that my alcoholic husband was physically sick, so I took him to doctors. I couldn’t believe
I Get Better with Every Meeting
What am I doing here? I thought. I didn’t want to be here. I wondered how Al‑Anon was
Even Though My Husband Still Drinks
Like so many before me, I came to Al‑Anon in a desperate state. I needed help without even
My Journey to Self-Worth
I have had low self-esteem for a long time. My alcoholic ex-husband constantly put me down, abused me,
Now Back to Me
When I went to my first Al‑Anon meeting, I was worried that I didn’t belong. However, I was
Right Where I Belong
The first Al‑Anon meeting I attended was not for me—or so I thought. I was accompanying a friend
I Found Support in That Room
I met the alcoholic in my life through online dating. Though I felt that I was okay with