Member Blog
Share your Experience, Strength, and Hope
The Al‑Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. Please share your experiences by commenting on any of the topics or Al‑Anon Legacies below. The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest. Member sharing on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
Share about a public outreach project you were involved in that you felt was successful.
August’s topic is, “Share about a public outreach project you were involved in that you felt was successful.
Step One
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
Please share your experience, strength, and hope as it relates to Step 1. The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest. Member sharing on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
Member Blog
Tradition Eight
Al‑Anon Twelfth Step work should remain forever non‑professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
Please share your experience, strength, and hope as it relates to Tradition 8. The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest. Member sharing on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
Concept Eight
The Board of Trustees delegates full authority for routine management of Al‑Anon Headquarters to its executive committees.
Please share your experience, strength, and hope as it relates to Concept 8. The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest. Member sharing on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.