Professional Perspectives on Al‑Anon
Alcohol abuse and misuse have caused harm to one in five adults (Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2019) and one in ten children live in households with a parent who had a past year alcohol use disorder (SAMHSA, 2017). Professional Perspectives on Al‑Anon interviews share, not only of the trauma that affects the family members of the drinker, but also how Al‑Anon and Alateen family groups can help.
Four things you can do to help children & teens living in a family affected by alcoholism
One in 10 children live with at least one parent who had a past year alcohol use disorder.
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction “We may
Addiction professionals help patients see signs
Addiction professionals: Helping patients explore the possibility that someone's alcoholism or drug use
Alcoholism affects the entire family; what can families do when the alcoholic continues to drink alcohol?
Alcoholism affects the entire family; what can families