Children of Alcoholics Series
According to the 2021 Al‑Anon Family Groups Membership Survey, about seven in ten members have been affected by alcoholism spanning two or more generations. Unfortunately, the effects of living in a home affected by alcohol addiction or alcohol misuse linger long after the child has grown to adulthood. This is reflected in responses to the question about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In the survey, Al‑Anon members who identified as children of alcoholics were four times more likely to experience four or more ACEs than those who had not been affected by a parent’s alcoholism/addiction. In addition, members with four or more ACEs are 71 percent more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness than members with three or less ACEs. Al‑Anon, and Alateen for teens, offers a safe place for the children of alcoholics to recover. Help us raise awareness about the support and understanding that is found in every Al‑Anon and Alateen family group.
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Addiction professionals: Helping patients explore the possibility that someone's alcoholism or drug use
Alcoholism affects the entire family; what can families do when the alcoholic continues to drink alcohol?
Alcoholism affects the entire family; what can families