Are You Living With an Alcoholic Spouse or Partner?
Are you involved with someone whose drinking is bothering you? How do you cope with an intimate relationship that is affected by alcoholism? Living with a spouse, partner or significant other who exhibits a drinking problem can have devastating effects on our emotional well-being, our personal relationships, our professional life and sometimes even our physical health.
Attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings might provide the support and tools needed to deal with the effects of alcoholism on very important relationships.
Al-Anon Saved My Life
I knew at that moment that neither he nor any man would ever lay a harmful hand on me
No One Deserves My Love as Much as I Do
I went to my first meeting the same day my doctor suggested it. It couldn’t have come at
I came for a quick fix and found a way of life
As I look back, when I walked through the doors of Al‑Anon, I had planned to stay long
My life was unmanageable
I remember my first Al‑Anon meeting well. Due to the progressive dis‑ ease of alcoholism in a loved
I finally gathered enough courage to go into the meeting
My first Al‑Anon meeting was the one I didn’t attend. I sat in my car outside the building
I hoped the door was locked…
I really didn’t want to go to Al‑Anon. It wasn’t for me. I didn’t grow up in an
I learned how to take care of myself
I cannot express how much Alateen has helped me. Growing up, I was all alone. My parents were
I found a room full of people with the same problem— an alcoholic in their lives
The first time I ever heard about Al‑Anon was when the psychiatrist treating the alcoholic in my life
I felt relief from that first meeting
I came to Al‑Anon as a way of getting my kids to go to Alateen. I told them
First appearances aren’t always correct
I went to my first Al-Anon meeting expecting to learn how to get my significant other to stop
What I didn't Understand at My First Al-Anon Meeting
I walked into my first Al-Anon meeting after my boyfriend had his first relapse. Tears that hadn’t stopped
Dreams do come true
Three years ago, I could barely say my dream aloud. Today, I’m living it. Back then, a friend