Are You Living With an Alcoholic Spouse or Partner?
Are you involved with someone whose drinking is bothering you? How do you cope with an intimate relationship that is affected by alcoholism? Living with a spouse, partner or significant other who exhibits a drinking problem can have devastating effects on our emotional well-being, our personal relationships, our professional life and sometimes even our physical health.
Attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings might provide the support and tools needed to deal with the effects of alcoholism on very important relationships.
From Pleasing Others to Pleasing Myself
Recently I purchased a vintage red bike at an estate sale. I smiled when I first saw it.
My Burdens Weighed Me Down Until I Found Al-Anon
My therapist suggested that I attend Al‑Anon. The keyword is “suggested.” Believe me, I did not want to
Mothering or Enabling?
When I first came to Al‑Anon, I spent a great deal of time wrestling with the term, “enabling.”
Dealing with Feelings
In the past, feelings ruled my life. If anyone displayed an emotion, I quickly absorbed it as my
I’ll Keep Coming Back
I have been in Al‑Anon for a little over 20 years, and I keep coming back because of
Al-Anon Saved My Sanity
“These people won’t understand a gay partnership—How can I talk to them?” I was having problems with my
I Found My True Self
“I couldn’t believe others were going through the same struggles that I was going through!” After a knock-down, drag-out
I Finally Got It!
“Al‑Anon saved my life.” I was in and out of Al‑Anon meetings for years. I rarely ever saw other
I Promised Myself I Would Come Back
“I listened in amazement—their stories were worse than mine!” When I turned into the parking lot to attend my
These People Are Just Like Me
“These people are just like me.” At my first Al‑Anon meetings, I was angry. I had been court-ordered to
Al-Anon is Gentle
It is a typical day at the practice. I prepare the materials for the substance abuse support group and
I Don’t Have To Participate in the Drama
I could have written a novel about what alcoholism and addiction did to me and those around me,