Are You Living With an Alcoholic Spouse or Partner?
Are you involved with someone whose drinking is bothering you? How do you cope with an intimate relationship that is affected by alcoholism? Living with a spouse, partner or significant other who exhibits a drinking problem can have devastating effects on our emotional well-being, our personal relationships, our professional life and sometimes even our physical health.
Attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings might provide the support and tools needed to deal with the effects of alcoholism on very important relationships.
Kindred Spirits
At my first Al‑Anon meeting, there were 20 women and no men, which confirmed to me that I
Finding My Way in Al-Anon
Over the course of a few years, my family’s life seemed to spiral out of control. Solutions I
Al-Anon Changed My Life
After 9/11, my partner’s drinking increased so much that I decided to go online to find out about
I Was Finally Able to Choose
When I walked into my first Al-Anon meeting, I was convinced that I had no choices about anything.
Because I Kept Coming Back
Before Al-Anon, I was not a happy camper. I was judgmental with everyone in my household. My husband
Calm Where There Had Only Been Anxiety
I came into Al-Anon shortly after my husband and I had been married for ten years. I had
Even If the Alcoholic Doesn’t Choose Recovery
My husband didn’t drink when we married, but somehow that all changed. I knew nothing about alcoholism, so
Into a Life of Sanity
I came to Al‑Anon at the suggestion of a family member who was in recovery. I had become so
What Is and Is Not Mine To Control
When I walked into my first Al‑Anon meeting two years ago, I was a broken woman, although I didn’t
The Weight Finally Lifted
I will never forget the words I heard at my first Al‑Anon meeting. A member shared the three
Addiction professionals help patients see signs
Addiction professionals: Helping patients explore the possibility that someone's alcoholism or drug use has affected them
I Felt Welcomed
Like many others, I came to my first meeting at the recommendation of a counselor. I was filled