Did You Grow Up Living With an Alcoholic?
Are You a Teenager Living With an Alcoholic?
One in four children under age 18 in the United States is affected by a parent’s abuse of alcohol. Growing up in a home where one or both parents are alcoholics can have life-altering effects on children, with long-lasting emotional and psychological scars.
Al-Anon Family Groups’ latest Membership Survey reveals that more than half of members’ lives have been affected by a parent’s drinking. Listen to the podcasts and read members’ stories to get insight into the help and hope they found in Al-Anon.
The Priceless Gift of Al-Anon
What if there are people in the meeting that I know? What will they think of us? Will
Why do people come to Al-Anon?
Why do people come to Al‑Anon? Many different types of relationships with alcoholics bring newcomers to local
Hope Kept Me Going
When I first came to Al‑Anon, I knew I was in the right place when I heard the
How I learned to cope with my anxiety…
How I learned to cope with my anxiety… In Al-Anon and Alateen, members learn many ways to
Breaking the Cycle
Walking into my first Al‑Anon meeting, I was nervous, not to mention 15 minutes late. I sat down
Talking Myself into Joining
Hands shaking, heart racing, stomach churning—it was all I could do to hit the “Join” button on my
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction “We may not want to
Reclaiming My Hope for the Future
Growing up with an alcoholic father, all the dysfunction seemed so normal. Only recently did I realize everything
The Healing I Didn’t Expect
I didn’t grow up in an alcoholic family. I grew up in an alcoholic world. Every grown‑up I
You Became My Family
When I was a child, I was adopted into a family of three boys. I was a very
One at a Time
I found my way to Al‑Anon when I accepted that my life was uncontrollable because of my loved
A Safe Place to Finally Say What Was True
For so many years, I held in what I knew to be true. There seemed to be no