Did You Grow Up Living With an Alcoholic?
Are You a Teenager Living With an Alcoholic?
One in four children under age 18 in the United States is affected by a parent’s abuse of alcohol. Growing up in a home where one or both parents are alcoholics can have life-altering effects on children, with long-lasting emotional and psychological scars.
Al-Anon Family Groups’ latest Membership Survey reveals that more than half of members’ lives have been affected by a parent’s drinking. Listen to the podcasts and read members’ stories to get insight into the help and hope they found in Al-Anon.
A Map to Serenity and Happiness
I am surrounded by alcoholism—both active alcoholics and those in recovery. These are people very close to me,
The biggest change since coming to Al-Anon
The biggest change since coming to Al‑Anon Al-Anon is a support program for people worried about or
Hearing the Words that Helped Me to Listen
At my first meeting I was angry. I had been ordered to attend meetings and thought I didn’t
The Path Isn’t Chosen by Me
The illusion of control made me feel powerful in a world where I had frequently felt powerless and
Beauty Inside and Out
Recently, I was preparing to move to a new state and had to decide what to keep and
My Confusion Cleared
I came into Al‑Anon angry, hurting, and confused as to how I managed a career, but seemed to
My Personal Three Cs
I am so grateful for the gift of my recovery in Al‑Anon. From my very first meeting, I
The Common Thread – An Alcohol-Addicted Family System
Living in an alcohol‑addicted family system affects children in many ways. Adolescents can find help in local and virtual Alateen meetings.
Don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel – how the stigma of alcohol addiction affects children
Help us raise awareness about the support and understanding that is found in every Al‑Anon and Alateen family group.
Filling the void in my heart left by my father's alcoholism
When Carol, an anonymous Al-Anon member, came to her first Al-Anon meeting, she had no idea that having been raised in an alcoholic home had set her on a lifelong path of unhealthy relationships.
You can help a child affected by someone’s addiction to alcohol
Professional Perspectives interviews discuss the trauma experienced by family members of drinkers and how Al-Anon and Alateen family groups can help.
Al-Anon Saved My Life
Before Al‑Anon, I lived in a lot of fear. I shut down when a situation made me feel