News from the WSO2020-12-31T23:26:59-05:00

How to Hold a Writing Meeting or Workshop

July 17, 2023|

The Forum and all Conference Approved Literature depend on writing by Al‑Anon members. Holding an occasional writing meeting or workshop is a great way to generate sharings that can be submitted for publication.

Serving as an At-Large Committee Member

July 17, 2023|

When I was invited to share my experience as a member of the Forum Editorial Advisory Committee (FEAC), I was scared, but I jumped on the opportunity to further my recovery by reflecting upon

A Vital Aspect of Self-Support

June 15, 2023|

When I first joined Al‑Anon, I thought the Seventh Tradition of self-support only related to individual groups and the donations collected when the basket was passed. I have since learned that the Seventh

Discovering “A Little Time for Myself”!

June 15, 2023|

Ever since One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6) was first introduced 55 years ago, Al‑Anon members have considered our daily readers among their favorite pieces of Conference Approved Literature. Whether first

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