Preparing for Conference: “How Important Is It?”
“How Important Is It?” that all Conference members read and consider all documents that are posted prior to Conference, so that everyone is prepared to discuss and decide on all Conference matters affecting
“The Forum”—What Is the Process?
Early in my Al‑Anon recovery, I heard that it was my responsibility to ask for what I needed. So, I promptly gave my husband a list of ways I needed him to change.
European Zonal Meeting 2023
The tenth European Zonal Meeting (EZM) took place in Paris, France, September 1–3, 2023, and was hosted by the Al‑Anon General Service Office (GSO) in France. With one in training, three World Service
Who Keeps the Group Connected to the WSO?
The Current Mailing Address (CMA) for the group is a crucial link between the group and World Service Office (WSO) information. The CMA ensures that the group promptly receives all time-sensitive postal and
Seeing Inventories as Opportunities for Growth
From my earliest Al‑Anon meetings on, members stressed that “knowing myself” with the help of regular Fourth and Tenth Step inventories was essential for personal and spiritual growth. Having been raised in the family
Growing Where I’m Planted
When I first walked into the rooms of Al‑Anon, I had perhaps done so for all the wrong reasons—curiosity being the main one. Today, I acknowledge and understand that I have stayed for all