“The Forum” Magazine Stories2024-08-01T16:48:06-04:00
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I Will “Keep Coming Back”

Relating, empathizing, and learning from the experiences of other Al‑Anon members helps me feel understood and reminds me I am not alone. There is a deep connection and a powerful community here that I haven’t felt anywhere else. As

I Am All These Things

In Al‑Anon, I have learned that while there have been tragedies in my life, my life is not a tragedy. There are many components that make up the whole of me. No one thing solely defines me. This is

After the Earth Collapsed

When I walked through the door of my first Al‑Anon meeting, I felt desperate and broken. I was hoping for some guidance or enlightenment and really needed some reassurance that I wasn’t going crazy. I was so entangled with

Amazing People with Big Hearts

When I went to Alateen the first time, I was anxious and afraid. What if I say the wrong thing? What if they don’t like me? What if they think I have it easy? What if I freeze

A Vital Aspect of Self-Support

When I first joined Al‑Anon, I thought the Seventh Tradition of self-support only related to individual groups and the donations collected when the basket was passed. I have since learned that the Seventh Tradition applies far beyond the

Discovering “A Little Time for Myself”!

Ever since One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6) was first introduced 55 years ago, Al‑Anon members have considered our daily readers among their favorite pieces of Conference Approved Literature. Whether first thing in the morning, last

A Loving Family in Al-Anon

I love being a part of a happy, healthy family, which is what my Al‑Anon home group feels like. My home group has accepted me for who I am, where I am, and where I’m going in life.

With the Strength of Redwoods

My husband and I have been grateful members of Al‑Anon for ten years. When we started, I felt weak and fearful because we had just learned that our son was an alcoholic. We had also just learned that

After a Painful Incident

My husband and I recently attended our daughter’s wedding, where the bridal party started drinking in the morning and kept going all day and all evening. It was a beautiful wedding with no expense spared. But by the

Investing in Technology

The vitality of Al‑Anon Family Groups depends upon reaching and serving as many people as possible to provide hope, help, and recovery for those suffering from the family disease of alcoholism. Technology makes it possible for the World Service

Trailblazers Breakfast on Route 66! 

The tradition of honoring our longtime members during the International Convention has taken place in the past at the Pioneer Luncheon. We will continue this tradition at the 2023 International Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA—but with a

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