What would you tell your pre-Al-Anon self? “You have choices…”

One of the benefits of being an Al‑Anon member is that you are surrounded by people who understand what you’re going through because they have also been affected by someone else’s alcoholism. In this interview clip, an anonymous member shares what he wishes he had known before he came to Al‑Anon. Maybe his experience will help you.

If you have been affected by a loved one’s drinking, maybe Al‑Anon can help you too. For Al‑Anon meeting information:

This interview was recorded at the 2018 Al‑Anon International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Members were asked to share about various aspects of the Al‑Anon program and their personal experience.

Members' anonymity is protected so that they can share openly and honestly about their experience with a loved one's drinking and with the Al‑Anon program.

The opinions expressed in this video were strictly those of the person who gave them.

Video Transcript

What would you tell your pre-Al-Anon self? “You have choices…”

Member: The first thing I would want to tell myself is that I have choices. I have choices that I am not aware of. One of the things I would tell myself, is that not everything that you think is good for you. Not every thought that your brain thinks is healthy, and that I have choices as to whether I act on every thought that I have. I hear things in our American culture that says that “You make me happy,” and “You make me angry,” and You complete me.” Right? I hear it in pop songs all the time.

Moderator: Yeah.

Member: And that’s not true. That, you know, in the rooms I’ve heard that happiness is an inside job. And that’s absolutely true. I have a choice as to whether I can do the work that’s needed to become happy, joyous, and free; but I am worthy of that, I am loving and worthy of love, and I had, I really had no concept of that before I came into the rooms.

Moderator: Wow, thank you for sharing that information with us.