Dear Mom & Dad

Alcoholics suffer from alcoholism mentally, spiritually, and physically. Well, guess what? So does the family, regardless of age or maturity. I always used to hide my feelings, pretending that I didn't care when I was crying inside.

Alateen has given me love, hope and the feeling that I'm not alone. Please know that Alateen…

  • Is for kids like me who have been affected by someone else's drinking.
  • Provides a safe place where I can share.
  • Helps me understand the family disease of alcoholism.
  • Is a place for me to learn to feel good about myself.
  • Encourages me to change my attitude instead of reacting to the situation.
  • Gives me the courage to detach with love.
  • Is anonymous – we don't discuss what we hear or whom we see at meetings.
  • Is grrrrreat!

I hope this has given you both a clearer picture of Alateen's importance in my life. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I need Alateen.