When I first walked into an Al‑Anon meeting, there was a member at the door who smiled and offered me a hug. I felt so welcome. After they opened the meeting by reading from The Twelve Steps and Traditions (P-17), the members went around the room and introduced themselves. When the time came for me to say my name, I stood up and said, “I'm here to help my children.” The members lovingly told me to “Keep Coming Back.” I did not know at that time how I was going to help my children.

After the meeting, they handed me a pamphlet titled How Can I Help My Children? (P-9), and it was so helpful. I was able to understand how the family disease affected my children because my husband has the disease. I was able to explain to them that alcoholism is a disease and that their dad is sick. I learned in this program how to communicate with my children, and they learned how to hate the disease and love their dad. My children started to understand. This program has shown us how to love unconditionally. We are on the road to recovery.

By Joanne, Ontario

The Forum, January 2023

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