Al-Anon's Three Cs – I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it – removed the blame…
Local and virtual Al‑Anon family groups provide support to people affected by someone else’s drinking. In addition to weekly meetings and literature written specifically for their dilemma, members find new ways to deal with the problems they face. Al‑Anon’s Three Cs – I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it – are one of the things many members find helpful early in the program.
In an on‑camera interview, Anna, an anonymous Al‑Anon member, shares how she learned to apply Al‑Anon’s Three Cs to her life. Watch her interview to find out more.
DISCLAIMER: This interview was recorded at the 2018 Al‑Anon International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Members were asked to share about various aspects of the Al‑Anon program and their personal experience.
Members’ anonymity is protected so that they can share openly and honestly about their experience with a loved one’s drinking and with the Al‑Anon program.
The opinions expressed in this video were strictly those of the person who gave them.
Video Transcript
Al‑Anon's Three Cs – I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it – removed the blame…
INTERVIEWER: Anna, we hear a lot about the three Cs in Al‑Anon. Could you tell us what is your experience with that?
ANNA: Certainly, when I got to Al‑Anon, my ticket into the rooms of Al‑Anon was my adolescent daughter who was in trouble. And she blamed me for her problems because she said I was too strict. My husband blamed me for her problems because he said I was too permissive. So, I didn't know what was up or down. I just knew that somehow; I was to blame.
In Al‑Anon, one of the first things I learned is that it's a disease, as the American Medical Association has proclaimed. And as such, I didn't cause it. I can't control it and I can't cure it.
And there's a fourth C that is not mentioned that much, but I think it's very important is that I don't have to contribute to it. And how do I contribute to it by doing for the other person what they can do for themselves, by cushioning them from the effects and the consequences of their bad choices, by making excuses for them, by paying bounced checks or by rescuing, rescuing, rescuing, and avoiding the natural development of things.
And in Al‑Anon, I learned that I am not God and I don't have that power over anyone else. And all that does is create more chaos and turmoil. So today I try to mind my own business, be loving and supportive, but not contribute to the problem.
So well said!! Love the contribute C.
My older sister was sexually assaulted as a child 6 decades ago; never fully recovered; and is an alcoholic. I’ve been the target of her alcoholic rages and gaslighting for many years, but it’s gotten so bad recently…so ugly, nasty and untrue…that I had to cut contact to maintain my own sense of self-worth and identity. Unfortunately, the rest of the family enables her and will ignore the emotional abuse in service to her illness, but I’m well on my way to being ok with that. It still shocks me to the core that someone I’ve loved dearly for so… Read more »
So does mine has raised her hands to me, when I stopped talking to her she uses my love for grands as a way to control me. She claims I’m to blame because I didn’t love her enough or I loved her adopted sibling and anybody else more than her. This has been going on for 20 years. I finally cut her off telling her if you want a relationship with me…3 things join AA, complete a 12 step program and get a therapist…if or when the therapist says she is ready for us to try and work on her… Read more »
My daughter blames me and is constantly calling me names I can’t repeat here.
My daughter blames me
My alcoholic daughter blames me for her problems with booze
I’m being blamed by my daughter for her drinking